Delivering a seminar program is a great way to promote your business. Before presenting you may want to do a little homework. My coach emailed me a list of questions that he felt would be useful when planning a strategy to connect with the audience. Plus this information will help you fill those seats.
Great list of questions:
1. Why are you interested in having me speak to your group?
2. What are the main interest areas of the audience? What is their pain?
3. Do they prefer lectures, discussions or group presentations?
4. What other programs have the organization sponsored over the past year?
5. What program received the most positive response? Why?
6. What was the least successful program? Why?
7. What is the audience expecting?
8. What does the audience already know about (your topic)?
9. Do they have opinions about (your topic), pro and con?
10. Will there be people in the audience who have international experience? If so, what kinds of experience?
11. How will my product or service benefit the group?
Oh yeah, here is a must ask question: What type of organization is it and what activities does it normally sponsor?
The Seminar Marketing Formula: How To Get The Butts In The Seats Of Your Next Workshop Or Seminar
All the best!
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