Saturday, August 8, 2015

Team Presentations

Watching team presentation failure can tough. Participating in one can be down right painful. There is potentially a lot at stake. Failure can be avoid though. One action to take when preparing for a team presentation: practice together. You to get a feel for what others will do and each member can get some feedback. Jot this down--at least person will say team rehearsal is not needed. Don't buy into this. Aileen Pincus says members shouldn't prepare for individual parts alone. She writes:
REHEARSE TOGETHER: However limited your time to prepare for the team presentation, don’t use that time solely for individual members to prepare for their individual parts alone. This is a team presentation and you’ll need to rehearse as a team in order to better see and hear the presentation the way your client sees and hears it. Give each other feedback on performance as well as content, with an eye toward how the potential client might view it.  
Read the entire article here. Do you have a story to share about your last team presentation?

New managers: Avoid getting foot-in-mouth

Many times I've seen managers undercut the authority of a their own management team. This sometimes ticks off the Person. What about you? Does this tick you off?

Let me share a few things we do to undercut our own credibility. One, going overboard when asking your employee's thoughts on every single thing. It's fine to seek input but be careful. Two, letting your employees dump their crap on you. Complainers need to bring some solutions as well.

Read this post on other ways you are hurting your credibility:  New managers: Avoid getting foot-in-mouth

Sunday, August 2, 2015

First Time Manager: Tips For Surviving

Survival is not a word I associate with managing. This doesn't discount that managing is a challenge but thriving is an objective. Over 20 years, my first management role was an eye opener for me. So many personalities and people issues. The technical aspect of the role was no problem. I was an ace technologist and knew how to get things done. However, I learned that a team was needed to get the work done for the department. As much as I tried, one person couldn't do the job. It was an overwhelming experience. This resulted in average team performance.

With a little bit of coaching, I learned to delegate and trust my team. I learned to pass on assignments without micromanaging the job and set check-in periods. I learned the power of getting to know my team and understanding their challenges. Did this happen over night? No, but I did a grow as a manager.

Read more on management in this article by Forbes offering steps for first time managers.

Drop me note to let me know what challenges you have as a new manager.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

New Manager Horror Story

Share your first time manager horror story. Check out this blog article here.

Five Keys to Overcoming Team Conflicts

In today's business world, it's very likely you will work with a virtual team. Leading a virtual team adds a few wrinkles to your leadership role when it comes to conflict. While team members are just a few steps away, you can stop by to discuss any issues or conflicts. When people are scattered across globe, you can't just stop to resolve conflicts. You need a different approach. offers fives keys to overcome team conflicts:

  • Set Clear Expectations
  • Don't Delay
  • Open the Communication Lines
  • Talk separately and (Maybe) Together)
  • Set the Right Goals

Click here to read the entire article: Five Keys to Overcoming Team Conflicts


Bearing Gifts On The First Day

Over at the Ask A Manager blog, there was a discussion about an interesting topic -- bringing food on the first day as the manager.The article reads:

I am a young (25) woman who has just been promoted into a mid-level management position, managing about 25 staff. This is my first "kick at the can" in management, and while I am very confident going into the new role, I naturally have some nerves about the huge change in my career.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Become a successful first-time manager

First-Timers,  check out this article with video that offers tips on being successful. The author illustrates the importance of identifying what is important to your new boss and other necessary steps.  Read on: